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Flip (formerly FlipGrid)

Flip (formerly FlipGrid) is an easy to use video tool that gives students a space to respond to a prompt. It is sort of like a discussion board but with a recorded rather than written response to the prompt.

Ruth Kassel, Assoc Dir Academic Integration, shares her experiences of using Flip.

Origin Story

  • I started using Flipgrid during the pandemic as a way for capstone students to stay in touch and discuss successes and challenges. Since we were not meeting regularly as a group, it was a nice way for them to listen to each other and support each other. In the beginning some students were worried about getting things perfect, as if it were a presentation, but soon started to relax and use it as I had intended, a communication tool and a place to reflect and connect. 
  • Later, I started to use flipgrid in my language classes. I focused on getting them to practice different conversational questions. They also needed to listen to their classmates and write up a summary. This was something that I incorporated into the oral exam structure.
  • Finally, I use Flip as a way for students to show progress on their knitting projects in my life skills class. For students learning a skill that involves creating something or even movement, it is a great way to measure their progress efficiently and effectively. In knitting they can show their projects, point to individual areas that need discussion, and turn the project around to be viewed in 3D.
  • What prompted you to this tool?
    • Specific Problems/Challenges in teaching the subjects?
      • Flip is a really nice way to help students practice language
    • Pedagogical Approach Aligned with the Tool?
    • Curiosity?


  • For Instructors – this tools helps create better communication across the entire class. It is also a great way for students to do some thinking and reflecting before class. The video format can be a great alternative to written responses and online discussions, especially if you are focusing on reflection and debate. It also helps to create better connection with students in class because you get to see a bit more of how they think as well as different sides of their personality. 
  • For Students – this tool is really easy to use and it can be fun when they start to respond to each other and reference things students said in Flipgrid during class. I once even had a little Flipgrid “battle” as the students started to one-up each other in a fun way through the videos. For language learning it is incredibly useful because they can practice, re-record, and listen to themselves. The “confession booth” format that we see in reality TV shows is something these students have grown up with and they watch countless TikTok videos. While recording yourself is rarely easy, they understand how to engage the tool intuitively.

How to Use 

Remote Learning with Flip

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Best Practices

  • What works
    • Use the tool regularly and keep the use of Flip consistent. Make sure you create the assignments through Canvas so you can view them in the speed grader
  • What doesn’t work
    • Trying to control what they say or overly restricting their reflections. Also, assigning more than you have the time to watch. 
  • Limitations of the Tool
    • To date, I haven’t seen a great way for them to respond to someone else’s recording with a recording or to make it conversational within Canvas. I would love to explore ways to do that more though because I can see that it is now in the took, I just don’t know how to incorporate it into Canvas.

License Type and Support

  • Flip is free to use.
  • Level of Support by Academic Technology: High

Evidence of Efficacy 

“Flipgrid was recognized as a low-stakes platform that helped students hone their public speaking skills.” (McClure & McAndrews, 2016)

“(U)sing Flipgrid helped to bring more UDL (Universal Design for Learning) into the classroom by allowing students to also engage in verbal discussions, not only text-based ones.” (Flanagan, 2019)(see also Green & Green, 2018)

“Flipgrid had a positive effect on reducing stress and anxiety when speaking English among many of their students.” (Tuyet and Khang, 2020)

“students felt that the use of Flipgrid improved social presence…. The use of Flipgrid also allowed students to develop the types of peer connections that we were hoping for in online courses.” (Lowenthal & Moore, 2020)

Similar Tools

  • VoiceThread


  • Tool website:
  • Tool Support Page:
  • Tool Privacy Policy:
  • Tool Accessibility Statement:


Flanagan, B. & Ph, D. (2019). Creating Community, Enhancing Engagement, and Fostering Verbal Expression Through A Video Discussion Platform. (April).

Green, T., & Green, J. (2018). Flipgrid: Adding voice and video to online discussions. TechTrends, 62(1), 128-130.

Lowenthal, P.R., & Moore., R.L. (2020). Exploring student perceptions of Flipgrid in online courses. Online Learning, 24(4), 28-41.

McLain, T. (2018). Integration of the video response app FlipGrid in the business writing classroom. International Journal of Educational Technology and Learning, 4(2), 68–75.

McClure, C. & McAndrews, L. (2016). Going Native to Reach the Digital Natives: New Technologies for the Classroom. 2016 ITAA Annual Conference Proceedings, 12, 8–10.n Retrieved from

Petersen, J. B., Townsend, S., and Onak, N. (2020). Utilizing Flipgrid application on student smartphones in a small-scale ESL study. English Language Teaching, 13(5): 164-176.

Shin, J., & Yunus, M. (2021). The attitudes of pupils towards using Flipgrid in learning English speaking skills. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 20(3), 151–168.

Tuyet, T., & Khang, N. (2020). The influences of the Flipgrid app on Vietnamese EFL high school learners’ speaking anxiety. European Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 5(1), 128–149.